Looking into and Contemplating the Eternal Soul: The Truth of Meditation


Linda De Coff is a Universal Spirituality and Advanced Consciousness author and minister, teaching universal spiritual Principles that inspire readers to create contented, prosperous lives.

In Songs Of EternityDr. Linda De Coff outlines fifty-two timeless instructions and meditations on incorporating Sacred Principles into one’s daily life. From Divine Manifestation to Prosperity to Healing and Romance, the KEY to their success is found within. It is a modern repository of ancient knowledge and practical application that everyone should have as a guide toward mastery of the Highest Principle and Law. 

The Songs Of Eternity is dedicated in Love to the coming Civilization of Light and the Christ Race, the most precious jewel of humanity.

But for the layman who has just stumbled into this world, it may be too overwhelming, and some concepts and abstractions are hard to grasp at the onset. Ideas like the Metaphysical, the Divine Self, the Eternal Light, or the Internal Alchemy can be challenging to understand without a fully immersive experience.

Yet, refreshment is a step that is best taken before anything else, aside from opening the heart and soul to the partaking of new perspectives and complex ideas. Cleansing prior notions of what some words might mean and broadening their definitions to accept the totality of the ideas associated with the word is a good thing. People should remember that words have power and weight on how people perceive reality. A thorough understanding and willingness to accept its fluidity can help newcomers expand their worldview and go further in their future path.

Misunderstandings About Spiritual Concepts

Because of the mindboggling richness and diversity of spiritual thought, which draws upon several millennia of history and from a dizzying multitude of cultures, plenty of ideas and words are swimming in the pool to give an apt visual. 

So, it will be no surprise that some thoughts and words spill out into the “uninitiated” world and will be misunderstood, misapplied, and mistranslated. There are limitations to the human mind, and one of these limits is that it tends to be quite bullheaded when it comes to definitions and change.

“Karma,” “yoga,” “spirit,” “reincarnation,” “energy,” and “communion” are just words that take on entirely different meanings when used colloquially but have actual, specific concepts tied to them when a person becomes enlightened and knowledgeable.

The best example of a word that is so far apart from how the public uses it to how people should use it is the word “meditation.”

The Roots of “Meditation”

What comes to mind when people hear the word “meditation?”

To most people, meditation is commonly done by Shaolin monks in dusty, old temples or by hermits out in the deep woods. Some might even think meditation is simply sitting down on the floor, cross-legged, and keeping things quiet. 

Etymologically, meditation is derived from the Old French meditacioun, which ultimately comes from the Latin verb meditari, meaning “to think; to contemplate.” 

Meditation was initially a word steeped in Christian mysticism, replacing the Greek word Theoria, which in turn was used by Neoplatonists to denote the activity of deep contemplation on the subjects of Astronomy and the Platonic Ideals. 

Christians also had the same use for Theoria but replaced the topics with the Holy Scriptures. As contemplation split into intellectual rumination and deep prayer, there was a need to distinguish between the two; thus, Theoria now meant intense reflection, and contemplatio was coined for the prayer form of contemplation. Centuries later, people would replace the word Theoria with the word meditation.

Over the years, the word meditation would become more amorphous and vague, encompassing other similar practices from different religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism. 

What is Meditation?

Yet, despite its public perception as, at best, a tool for elevating awareness and self-reflection and, at worst, a study aid, meditation has a profound use in the acquisition and strengthening of spirituality. Meditation, in its basest sense, is the attempt to communion with the higher levels of reality and consciousness. This higher level is known by many names, God, Brahman, Christ, the Infinite Intelligence, etc.; It lives beyond what the mundane can perceive and can only be reached through deliberate and profound discovery. 

A person can begin their steps toward enlightenment and awakening through meditation. Meditation is not only for ascending into the higher realms of existence but also for introspection. By searching deep within oneself and resonating with the soul, synchronizing the mind with the body, and reinvigorating the spirit, one can touch the Divine.

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