BRIDGE OF THE GODS ~ Overview, Chapter Descriptions and 5 Star Reviews.

An Outstanding Book on the Evolution of the Divine Soul! BRIDGE OF THE GODS ~ A Handbook for Ascending Humanity ~ The Golden Pathway To Your Highest God Self! “Soon we shall discover that the temple of all mankind is nothing less than the Temple of the Living God! ~ A quote from Dr. Linda.… Continue reading BRIDGE OF THE GODS ~ Overview, Chapter Descriptions and 5 Star Reviews.

NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON ~ Stunning 10 Book Evolutionary Series on “ATTAINING DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS!” “The Kingdom of Heaven is Within!”

DEAR READER & LOVERS OF SPIRITUAL BOOKS ~ We are delighted to announce the completion of Dr. Linda’s 10 Book Evolutionary Series on  ATTAINING DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS…  Below, you will find a listing of the 10 books comprising this magnificent evolutionary series, along with some reviews of each, and links to look at Full Chapter Descriptions and… Continue reading NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON ~ Stunning 10 Book Evolutionary Series on “ATTAINING DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS!” “The Kingdom of Heaven is Within!”