ATTAINING DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS ~ “The Ascent of Spirit!” ~ Inspirational Talk & Meditations, Featuring Reverend Dr. Linda De Coff



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ContemplationsICD2.75X2.75 - CroppedDEAR PARTICIPANT & FRIENDS :*It is our great pleasure to announce that New Thought International Library  is now presenting a complete Inspirational Talk Series from Dr. Linda’s timeless collection of works.

For those who truly desire further in-depth information on Higher Consciousness Themes,  you will be able to tune in to monthly postings of talks on every subject imaginable throughout 2018.

Monthly programs will include an extensive talk on the Higher Consciousness Theme being considered, along with accompanying closing meditations , for incorporating deep within.  The closing meditations will  be available in written form as well, so that you can easily reference in your daily meditations, while working on a particular theme. In this wonderful talk series, you will always find very easy, profound and practical tools for raising your consciousness to the level desired, always illuminating “how to tune in” to the completeness of the Divine-in-you!

 Diamond best


“THE ASCENT OF SPIRIT!” To access Complete Talk & Meditations, Visit Dr. Linda’s Complete Talk Library on I Tunes

TheAscentOfSpirit_MomentBelow are Parts I, II & III of this elevating series, ALONG WITH BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS OF EACH PART.  Listen right here or go to You Tube for expanded screen.


As you ascend the ladder of Divine Consciousness, reclaiming more and more of your Divine Self in God ~you will more than ever realize the limitless possibilities that are truly yours. In this 3 Part talk series, discover how to Live On An Ever Ascending Spiral of Light ~ with Infinite Horizons of Untold Measures of Good Before You! Be the ever-expanding Life of God that you are!

PART I ~ “Recovering Your True Identity!” focuses on the primary change to make and the Highest Realization to have ~ from which vast evolution springs forth, and that is coming to unify once again with your Divine and Higher Self, wherein all completeness, wholeness, and substance of every solution exists.

Part II of “The Ascent of Spirit” reveals the “Way Up and Out” of limited circumstances by learning to “turn away from appearances”, and instead, turning within and connecting and identifying with the Divine and limitless Source of your being with which you are ever one, and to which no limitation whatsoever exists. Through affirming your Greater Reality, again and again you ascend one step further and release into manifest action endless blessings into your world, immediately rising above former conditions and being Divine Victory in all. The great and timeless mantra “The Father and I are One!” opens the door to your every success. “Aum! Bliss! Amen!”

In our final Part III of this empowering series, “Closing Meditations For Embodying Within!” ~ it is now time to deeply contemplate all the information gained so that you can directly apply your elevating revelations to every department of life, and as you now consciously unite with “the Divine and Whole Truth of You” in your soul, you can freely direct to every outer condition you wish to raise up. This way you will ever live On An Ever Ascending Spiral of Light ~ with Infinite Horizons of Untold Measures of Good Before You!…Connecting and identifying with the Divine and limitless Source of your being with which you are ever one, and to which no limitation whatsoever exists.

Through affirming your Greater Reality, again and again and bringing in the Divine Quality you wish to manifest, whether Peace, Love, Healing or Bounty of any sort ~ you ascend one step further and release into manifest action endless blessings into your world, immediately rising above former conditions and being Divine Victory in all. The great and timeless mantra “The Father and I are One!” opens the door to your every success. “Aum! Bliss! Amen!”

Live On An Ever Ascending Spiral of Light ~ with Infinite Horizons of Untold Measures of Good Before You!  Be the ever-expanding Life of God that you are!

At the end of each talk, Dr. Linda provides a Closing Meditation for grounding the information in a very personal and meaningful way for you. This is followed by an “I Am Statement” ~ an excerpt from Dr. Linda’s glowing book, SONGS OF ETERNITY ~ Contemplations, Treatments and Meditations on the Word of God!”   Below, please find your meditations in written form, so that you can follow along with ease and refer to as often as possible while you are working on this theme.

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As we enter into the Sacred Place in meditation now, breathing very deeply in and out of the Kingdom of Divine Light and Limitless Love beyond all imagining, open your heart to receive of the special quantum leap Gift of Divine Manifestation  you need right now.

Breathing in and out of the Light of the Universe…



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Let us go within to the High and Holy Place, to the Summit of all Being, where all of God Consciousness radiates, rotates, and vibrates, where all of radiant life and the Truth of all Life resounds throughout all dimensions and cosmos of being.

In this great moment, move gently out of your body’s shell, each one the Perfect Light of God, and let each one now travel out on their light beam, a singular stream of Divine Life, connected to all that is.  Looking out now from the High Place, let us overview our worlds and the whole world.

And let us radiate forth this mighty force of Love and Light and Highest Expectations that we are. Let us stream Divine Light and Love around each and every being that we know and the entire circumference of the world, declaring perfect freedom, joy, love, peace, abundance, greatest self-expression for each and for all. No matter who, from the lowest of the low to the Highest of the High, all are swept up in this mighty action of Divine Life. No matter what anyone’s current condition may be, we sound the great sound of Aum and greatest perfection for all.

Now, let us each one come back to the center, moving in on our light beam… each one focusing within on a focal point in his or her own life. And right now, bring a situation to your mind’s eye that you have longed long to experience perfection in. And right now, let us hold the situation in our hands and raise it to the Highest High, saying within, “God, reveal thy golden light of perfect freedom and richest good here, for that which thou art, I am.”

“I right now give this situation over and back to you. I release it. I give it to you and the Mighty Light, and it goes off into dissolution. In the instant, all is dissolved, perfected. Perfect flow is established, revealed, and now initiated without delay.”

Thank you, God. All is very well with me. I am thine; Thou art mine. I am harmonized and balanced forever. It is so marvelous. I am so grateful. I am so free.

And So It Is.


  Diamond best

*Now is a good time to pause and write out your treatments ~ “Giving Thanks-In-Advance” for whatever it is you want to experience in your life.  Write out your more cherished goal for yourself in present terms, i.e.; “Thank you,  “I now have____”, “I now am_______”, “I am now established in_______”, defining in very definite present terms what you desire to experience and in keeping with the nature of Divine Manifesting Ways , expanding consciousness to include  the statement,” This or greater”, ever being open at the top.  Take a moment to envision yourself there ~ in this new and elevated condition complete.  Breathe in the Goodness, the Truth, the Beauty and the Light.

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Now, let us read our “I Am” statement…And, as you speak these words, absorbing the content into the very fibers of your being…  

Know your word is creating a new platform of being, upon which exists your new bottom line, and below which you never shall never descend.  So let it be! While you are working on this talk, speaking these words of the Divine Self silently or aloud on a regular basis will aid you greatly to maintain consciousness.

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Any time you need to tune-up to the Perfect Truth, reference your “I Am Statement” ~ and you will center right back in power once again.  





(Daily Meditation for Centering in the Kingdom Within) 

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I Am that I Am ~

And right now, I declare:

I am an ever Upward Moving and Accelerating Spiral of

Divine Expression, Expansion, and Increase.


In and throughout all rivers and streams of being flow the mighty currents of God life.


As I merge deepest Soul Truth with body physical and circumstances,

Divine Life of Consummate Wholeness and Profoundest Opulence

Flows through and empowers each and every fiber of my being.


Within and Without…

I am renewed and revitalized in the Liquid Light Essence

of Spirit’s rich and radiant substance.


As the Light of God ascends from within, my inner powers are ignited.

One by one, I rise out of captivity of former limitation

Into New Elevations and Dimensions of Good.

Thank you, God, the fiery flame of my being… I am that which arises from within now.


With majestic Force and Love, sweeping through every chakra…

Emanating from every Direction

And throughout every Dimension,

I am the New Day and the New Idea whose time has come in all.


Atman I am.


I am mightily elevated and prospered in new God Patterns of Fulfillment now…

Beyond my Greatest Expectations…

And transcendent of every limitation of the past.


Thou art the brilliant light so glorious and complete, I cannot even remember that which was.


 Diamond best


*For strongest use of the monthly talks provided, establish a major goal you would like for yourself, not thinking of how this may be accomplished or limiting in anyway. Describe this goal to yourself in the most radiant detail, and then simply write it out, Giving Thanks that it is being established in the now and speaking in the present tense, i.e. “I Give Thanks I now have_______ (Fill in and describe), I now Am________________, I now receive _________ (Fill in and describe), etc. Refer to your wonderful goal often, as long as you are working on any given talk.  Whenever in doubt, simply turn within, Giving Thanks and once again describing to yourself in full.  This definite action of spending quality time contemplating your goal “as if you have it now” serves to build the new prototype in your consciousness and heart, the new cup of acceptance, and before you know it ~ there it is… right there in your manifest world.


For further information on monthly articles and updates, and to review or catch up on articles missed, Visit our Archives:

Visit all of Dr. Linda’s Books at

For a list of books currently available for interested reviewers:  Visit for Descriptions and Free Previews:

*Treat yourself to a wonderful Gift for yourself and those you love. Dr. Linda most highly recommends that you obtain a copy of “SONGS OF ETERNITY ~ Contemplations, Treatments & Meditations On The Word Of God”, while you are working on your DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS SERIES of talks.  Many of the “I Am” Statements of this program and far more are included in this book, along with brief instructions, related to any particular talk.  It is a most wonderful, condensed way to quickly tune in to the consciousness necessary to obtain your particular good.

For more info on BRIDGE OF THE GODS!, the Master Book of Dr. Linda’s 10 Volume Series on ATTAINING DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS, including Free Preview, 12 Chapter Descriptions, and 5 star Reviews:  Visit


To listen to Radio Shows, where Dr. Linda was featured speaking on her books, Visit her Complete Playlist of Shows on her You Tube Site at

Here is just one sample.

*For those who wish to contribute in support of our  charitable programs,  contributions of any amount are always most welcome and may be made on our secure Pay Pal site.  A receipt will be immediately supplied. To visit: Simply click below:   DONATE IN SUPPORT OF THE NEW THOUGHT INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY       Diamond







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