Dear followers and visitors to our site, I am delighted to share Parts I thru XII of a special engagement 12 Part Series on Divine Prosperity I was so thrilled to give at Fort Lee Auditorium overlooking the majestic Hudson River.
Parts I thru XII are now available on You Tube. For your convenience, please find direct links below to listen. Brief descriptions are also included.
During this glorious MONTH of January, the first month of the New Year, and, indeed all throughout your life…enjoy helpful tools for raising consciousness to the Highest Level to receive of wondrous new good!
The Last Sequence of Parts IX through XII focus on the “Receiving Aspects!” May your harvest be rich, radiant and full of unprecedented joy!
FROM THE ARCHIVES OF NEW THOUGHT INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY ~ In this in-depth series, learn the limitless Divine Principles of Abundance to stand by you all your life and power your most heartfelt dreams into reality.
*Throughout all, I encourage you to utilize the closed captions feature to gain your maximum benefit.
Divine Prosperity, Part I, “Your Consciousness is All!” ~ Remember, “As I think, so it is!” *Please note that due to the condition of the original video, there are a few tracking issues at the beginning, but these do clear up quickly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSObDdFSXmY
Divine Prosperity, Part II “Before Abraham Was I Am!” ~ Realize that nothing has ever happened to the wholeness and completeness that you truly are. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf8tUgUCPac
Divine Prosperity, Part III “The Seventh Level of Supply!” ~ *For Part III, strive to live at the level of the Absolute all the time ~ where your good is already manifest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0vY8YwZJWs
Divine Prosperity, Part IV “All The Father Hath Is Mine!” ~ *For Part IV, Prepare to receive of new and wonderful good by cleansing your heart and mind, knowing the Truth of eternal wholeness, capacity and power being yours. Believe in your singular and imperishable worth as a manifestation of God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCJ3yg0hEgM
Divine Prosperity, Part V: “The Divine Creative Laws!!” ~ *For Part V, Daily center in your topmost goal, and use your power of Divine visioning to see yourself already there in mind and heart, and so it shall be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LuvFg7pq-Q *Please note that due to the condition of the original video, there are a few tracking issues during the opening meditation, but these do clear up totally. I also encourage you to utilize the close captions feature to gain your maximum benefit.
Divine Prosperity, Part VI: “The Divine Power of Acting As If Your Good Already Is!” *For Part VI, Daily center in your vision of most perfect accomplishment of your goal. Project yourself forward and ask: What will my life be like once my goal is manifest? Then, “Act As If” it already is, thereby increasing your magnetism exponentially and accelerating your fondest goals right into your reality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsLoyPI_wUg
Divine Prosperity, Part VII ~ “Some Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself ~ Your Spiritual Tools for Raising Consciousness to Receive the Highest and the Best!” *For Part VII, When wanting to demonstrate some new and wonderful good, always center within and raise your expectations to the Highest Possible outcomes you can conceive of. Let the will of Divine Love for you govern your every expectation. https://youtu.be/jTf6zJx-zbk
Divine Prosperity ~ Part VIII ~ “The Secret of Spiritual Alchemy ~ Knowing it is meant for Good!” *For Part VIII, Know your wonderful power to change all things to your prosperous good, to turn lemons into lemonade, and to transform water into wine…by means of your thought. Discover the A to Z attributes and qualities of the Divine Abundance consciousness. *As always ~ I encourage you to utilize the closed captions feature to gain your maximum benefit. https://youtu.be/H30_Fay-JGw
Divine Prosperity Part VIII (Cont.) ~ Abundance Attributes T-Z: A Meditation with Music, “Creating Your Good!” *For Part VIII (Cont.), This video completes the listing of the elevated attributes and qualities of the Divine Abundance Consciousness (T-Z). This is followed by a soaring visualizing meditation with music on “Creating Your Good.” Remember all creation of new and wonderful circumstances begins within. Use your Divine Memory to bring the feelings of your most joyous times of accomplishment into the now ~ thereby manifesting a future of ever-increasing good. *As always ~ I encourage you to utilize the closed captions feature to gain your maximum benefit. https://youtu.be/FUdVeRk2DUE
Divine Prosperity Part IX ~ “Receiving Your Good” A meditation with music ~ A Review of Steps to Divine Manifestation. *For Part IX, Enjoy an opening meditation with music, stepping into your future where your good is manifest in perfection. Helpful questions reveal to you what changes you need to make to accelerate Divine Manifestation. This is followed by a review of Steps 1-3 for raising consciousness to the Highest Level where you are right and ready to receive. https://youtu.be/eIO1Nl4fF5I
Divine Prosperity Part X ~ “God Is My Source!”; Preparing to Receive the Very Best! **For Part X ~ Enjoy an in depth overview of Consciousness Advancement tools to assist you in right preparation to receive of your most cherished goal, whether of a financial, emotional or any kind of blessing increase you desire. Learn now to raise your expectations to the Highest Level, transforming all of heart, mind and action to draw from the limitless Fountain of Eternal Abundance all you need. Helpful questions reveal to you what changes you need to make to accelerate Divine Manifestation. A review of Steps 4 & 5 is highlighted. In the next video, Part XI… Step 6 on “Expansion” is covered. *As always ~ I encourage you to utilize the closed captions feature to gain your maximum benefit. https://youtu.be/weGmGmZVIT4

DIVINE PROSPERITY Part XII ~ “Behold, the Fields Are Ripe with Harvest!” Receiving Your Good. *Part XII is the final presentation of this 12 Part Series. During this last stage of “Receiving” your ultra new and expanded good…Bless all you have done towards the manifestation of your cherished goal. Know you have been in right action, right preparation, right thinking, right expectation, tuning all of mind and heart up to the utmost Divine Patterns of wholeness and completeness for you. Now is time to relax, let go and open all of heart and mind to receive. A closing meditation with music is given ~ “Entering the Promised Land”, where you are now One with your lustrous new good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1InUks0hPl0
*For those who love to read ~ you can also visit my Amazon Author Page, where you will find the complete book on “DIVINE PROSPERITY ~ 12 Steps to Your Perfect Consciousness of Infinite & Eternal Supply!”
*Wishing you every transcendent manifestation of the completeness and wholeness that you truly are, always Divinely intended for you!!!