Dear Visitor to Our Site: It is our great pleasure to announce that a copy of the most recent radio show, where Dr. Linda spoke on her new book, DIVINE ROMANCE & PERFECT PARTNERSHIP ~ The Immortal Principles and Powers of Divine Love!”…is now available to listen to right here! Click to Hear
Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network at 1510am WMEX Boston
The “Love By Intuition Show” with host, Deborah Beauvais March 6th Sunday 9pm, EST
Callers toll free 866-338-9663 or 617-237-1234
*For those who may have missed this special show, it is now available to hear right here: WMEX Radio Boston Live & Worldwide on Line. (1 Hour) Simply click below:
Dreamvisions 7 Radio Station syndicated . (This show will be repeated Worldwide on Line and can be reheard at the following times):
Love By Intuition with Deborah Beauvais March 8th & 11th at 6am & 6pm EST
Worldwide Listen Live:
Discover the exquisite qualities that exist in relationships, exalted in the Highest Principles of Divine Love!

Learn how to make these treasured values your very own!
Bless all your relationships now and those to come… and forever more!
Below, please find further descriptions, your free Preview and the First 5-Star Review.
REVOLUTIONARY ROMANCE! ” ***** A REVIEW BY J.L/Producer/Director/Writer/Stage & Screen
“Divine Romance & Perfect Partnership ~The Immortal Principles and Powers of Divine Love,” the next installment in Reverend Dr. Linda De Coff’s fabulous Global Divine Consciousness Series, proves once and for all Love is not an accident or a privilege, but the destiny of each and every one of us!
This book is a master work of wisdom and understanding. Dr. Linda has helped us immensely in clearing the way for a Perfect Partner . By internalizing Dr. Linda’s ideas and approach, we can realize our dreams~ not only in partnership, but all other areas of life: the perfect home, perfect job, perfect life’s work.
The principles are simple, but results are revolutionary! We are motivated on our personal path of integrity and success ~ to change our lives in numerous ways. Reading her book fosters illumination; it’s a blueprint and guide, with exercises, to assist you in reaching your Life’s Goals. Love unconditionally and ultimately achieve all you hold in mind.
The author speaks sublime truth when she says the closer we get to ourselves, the closer we get to our true love. And of course this realignment of our conscience takes place within, something that we have control over.
If we do the work and keep centered, Dr. Linda assures us that Principle will majestically bear fruit. It is the Law of the Universe.
This tract adds immeasurably to Dr. Linda’s great body of work and I highly recommend to all. It’s a pathfinder to get where we’re going, to have more of what we want. . . to transform the blahs into a luminous Reality! ~ J.L., Producer/Director/Writer/Stage & Screen 
In this stunning book on the incomparable powers and joys of Divine Romance & Perfect Partnership, Dr. Linda offers enlightening keys on how to prepare for, recognize and attract your perfect eternal mate ~ and how to sustain your relationship forever.
Whether individual or couple, learn not only how to constantly renew all your relationships spanning the wide circumference of your life, but to lift all in your world to the Highest level, and experience greater fulfillment, bliss and attainment than ever before.
Ultimate Laws of Attraction, Affinity and the All Powers of Unconditional Love are revealed, for ~ there is no doubt that the greatest mantra for Divine Relationship exists in the Timeless and Immortal words ~ “Where there are two or more gathered in my name, there I am!”
Discover the Sublime Qualities that Exist and Flow between Partners, whose Relationships are Exalted, Harmonized and Perfected in Divine Purpose and Love. Learn how to make these treasured values your very own.
Reverend Linda speaks about the Dynamics of Immortal Love and the Heavenly Possibilities always available to us in all our relationships, spanning all areas of life ~ With Particular Emphasis on Soul-Mates and the Exquisite Cosmic Potential of Right Now Fulfillment in Your Life !
As we release old, worn-out forms and move into a Spiritualization of Relationships of All Kinds, we are newly empowered and blessed. Rejoice in the Perfect Principles of Divine Love in you, and the exalted power of Love to manifest all that is perfect and right for your Eternal Advancement into the many Mansions of Splendor , right here on earth and Forever.
Do we have more than one Soul Mate? Are Souls threaded together? The beautifully written Divine Romance & Perfect Partnership by author Reverend Dr. Linda De Coff answers these questions and more. Humanity yearns for love. The path to a rich lasting relationship is learning to love oneself. As Dr Linda shares, loving the self attracts a deeper kind of love, which resonates with another soul on the same level. When the two souls come together it makes for an exciting relationship into the journey of evolution. Which do we choose, a frivolous relationship or one based in benevolent love?
Deborah Beauvais