“A Treasure Trove for the Spirit, “SONGS OF ETERNITY” ~ Contemplations, Treatments, and Meditations on the Word of God” contains 52 timeless instructions, followed by meditations for incorporating the particular Sacred Principle involved.”  An Exquisite Book on Highest Divine Principle and Law Discover Why Divine Love is the Key Solution to Absolutely Every Issue that… Continue reading MEDITATE ON IMMORTAL TRUTH ~”SONGS OF ETERNITY” ~ CONTEMPLATIONS, TREATMENTS & MEDITATIONS ON THE WORD OF GOD!

A Book To Treasure ~ Now On Amazon ~ “IMMORTALITY NOW & FOREVER! (Life from the Summit Point of View) by Reverend Dr. Linda De Coff.

DEAR READER ~ It is our pleasure to announce the publication of the 7th book of the Global Divine Consciousness Series of evolutionary works by Reverend Dr. Linda De Coff. To visit for a preview on Amazon, click:  IMMORTALITY NOW AND FOREVER ~ How to Live Forever In Your Divine Body of Light! (Life From… Continue reading A Book To Treasure ~ Now On Amazon ~ “IMMORTALITY NOW & FOREVER! (Life from the Summit Point of View) by Reverend Dr. Linda De Coff.

Christian Mysticism: What Is It and Why Is It Valuable?

Christian Mysticism is an intricate spiritual subject that eludes simple definition, but we’re here today to try and make it understandable. Historically, mysticism is described as something covert, ineffable, not having the right words to define its nature, perception, and knowledge of the phenomenon of God that goes beyond dogma, ritual, and doctrine. Dr. Linda De… Continue reading Christian Mysticism: What Is It and Why Is It Valuable?

Attaining Divine Consciousness: Ascending to Salvation

Photo by Pixabay:

It can get confusing when some ask what spiritual awakening is or how a higher state of consciousness is achieved in one’s life. Learn more about attaining divine consciousness and what it means for your life through Linda Decoff’s book. When you ascend through the air, you witness the majestic sunrise illuminating the world beneath… Continue reading Attaining Divine Consciousness: Ascending to Salvation

Believing Body And Mind Are Codependent

Photo by Marcus Aurelius The brain, all parts of the human body, and all the emotional responses you have to share a common chemical language and constantly communicate with one another. Many have argued that each holds its properties and can be without the other. In others’ opinion, the mind and body are distinguishable in… Continue reading Believing Body And Mind Are Codependent

Understanding Mysticism Vs. Divine Healing And How They Work

Photo by Johannes Plenio:

Divine healing and mysticism may seem different in terms of their roots. And both practices are on opposite ends of the spectrum. However, both sides have a common ground; in that, they are spiritual acts that relate to the direct agency of a higher being. Being ill is something that should be taken seriously at… Continue reading Understanding Mysticism Vs. Divine Healing And How They Work

What It Means To Meditate On The Word Of God Deeply

Photo by Rahul Shah Meditating on Scripture is good practice when someone takes the time to do a devotional. That time is a critical point of communication with God and should be done frequently. But what is the right way of doing it? Biblical meditation is a must in our walk with God. The Bible… Continue reading What It Means To Meditate On The Word Of God Deeply

Christmas Highlight ~ “The Legacy of the Cosmic Christ!” ~ Parts I thru IV Now On You Tube!

CHRISTMAS HIGHLIGHT ~ “THE LEGACY OF THE COSMIC CHRIST!” Part I ~ “Living the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!” Reverend Dr. Linda De Coff Dear Followers and Friends ~During this Season of Radiant Light and Grace…I am delighted to share this 4 part series on the major elements of the luminous Christ Consciousness ~ given… Continue reading Christmas Highlight ~ “The Legacy of the Cosmic Christ!” ~ Parts I thru IV Now On You Tube!

Looking into and Contemplating the Eternal Soul: The Truth of Meditation

  Linda De Coff is a Universal Spirituality and Advanced Consciousness author and minister, teaching universal spiritual Principles that inspire readers to create contented, prosperous lives. In Songs Of Eternity, Dr. Linda De Coff outlines fifty-two timeless instructions and meditations on incorporating Sacred Principles into one’s daily life. From Divine Manifestation to Prosperity to Healing and Romance, the… Continue reading Looking into and Contemplating the Eternal Soul: The Truth of Meditation

Hope: The Forgotten Virtue Of Humanity’s Time

Photo by Torsten Dettlaff It is uplifting to learn that there is still hope in this hopeless world. Hope has been called the forgotten rectitude of humanity’s time. Although people live in an era of considerable technological and scientific achievements, it may also be an age of diminished hope. Perhaps more accurately, misdirected hope as it… Continue reading Hope: The Forgotten Virtue Of Humanity’s Time