{An Association of Global Centers for World Peace & Enlightenment}
Dedicated to the Spiritual Advancement and Enlightenment of Every Individual Seeking The Truth
Dear Participants in the 2017 Review of Spiritual Mind Treatment ~ 
Last month we reviewed the inestimable Power of the 4th phase of Spiritual Mind Treatment ~ that is bestowed by Giving Thanks that your prayer is answered, Yes! ~ in advance of even seeing the perfection of Divine results. And, we have come to understand that “Thanksgiving In Advance” indeed stimulates all the creative powers of the Universe to immediately act on all invisible planes of existence ~ on our behalf.
This month of June, we now focus on the 5th and final stage that should accompany every Spiritual Mind Treatment, “Release”.
“Release!” ~ Here is where… in perfect confidence of the Infinite Capacity , the individual now turns the whole matter over to the Highest Wisdom and Capacity, to that Great Creative Power that knows how, that always knows the smoothest and best way, that knows all of the elements and conditions that need to take place for perfect results, that indeed is the Divine co-ordinator of all that needs to be.
In this stage, there is no “outlining” or “forcing” or “imposition of our own ideas” as to how the thing should happen at all ~ rather, there is now a complete stepping aside of the individual, that the Divine Director may manifest perfection of results, without condition or limit. If acceptance is tainted by one’s own limited scope or personal history, then the necessary level of faith and reliance on the unlimited creative power to cause complete transcendence of blockage becomes stifled. Results can only be as great as the individual’s faith and willingness to let go and radically rely on the Supreme Power and Majesty that operates the entire universe.
Here is where the individual is relieved of personal thought taking and over management and control, as he/she elevates in trust to the Supreme Creator of all that is, that knows no problem nor difficulty whatsoever. How great it is, that the individual does not even have to know how or what to do, and that once released to the Higher Power to do it’s work, the demonstration can rise to unprecedented levels of accomplishment, heretofore unknown.
Here ~ in “Release”, there is also the complete understanding that our Word about a thing is the only influence and power, so once giving thanks and releasing to the Mind and Power of God, it is important, when doubt or tendency to grab the reigns of control come up, that we once again release to the greater, over and over again, throughout the entire manifestation, that our Word continues to forth. You can imagine how frustrating it would be, if you put a letter in the mailbox and then kept taking out and taking it back. Would the letter arrive? ~ with such blockage. So, the word of complete acceptance and Gratitude In Advance must be maintained faithfully ’til it gets there and ’til you witness the glorious results. As seeds form on the invisible plane of life (under the ground as it were), so your word of acceptance works on the unseen level of Universal Mind and Substance, forming and gathering all the elements necessary, until that glorious time when the manifestation is perfectly outpictured. And so, we say it is done!
Thus when doubt arises, after your treatment ~ just re-affirm that you have spoken your word, you know the Law that “Thought becomes Thing”, and that your word alone is all Power to manifest right out of the blue skies of Divine Substance (for God has all ways and means, most perfect for you and without limit). When you sense yourself tightening up, doubting, about to take your letter back, as it were ~ just release and turn the issue over again, affirming your word is working in perfection and God is the wisdom and power upon whom you rely. Let no negatives creep in. Change every negative speculation to firm positive expectation, and so it shall be. Look not at what conditions appear to be, only meditate upon the power of God and of Divine Capacity in your situation. A great mantra, when confronted with doubt, is “It is being done”, by the best there is!”
Following treatment and release ~ what can you do to help sustain your Treatment? Simply follow up in utmost faith on any inspiration of action that may arise. You have placed yourself under the sublime and over-arching mantle of Divine Guidance, Wisdom and Power now ~ and if there is anything for you to do on the human plane, your openness and willingness to do what you need to do ~ will bring the perfect guidance from God within.
And, one with the Great All-in-the-All, you shall not fail!
Throughout this month, do formally write out a complete treatment, surrounding your goal ~ at least once a week, starting with the formula below, and then letting your own spiritual nature expand as far as you can for greatest realizations of Highest Truth. Remember, Treatment is consciously aligning your own mind with the Infinite Mind and Heart of God itself, upon whom you radically rely.
Remember you are never referring to your own specific experience or history, as proof of your ability to demonstrate, yet leaving all that behind, stretching outwards now in mind and heart to realize the infinite and whole capacity of God and Universal Truth and Principle, as your very own to rely on for success in any matter. You are delving into the blissfull nature of the Infinite, always whole and complete at every point.
1. Recognition ~ I recognize there is a perfect Principle of Perfect _____________(fill in with the words most describing the Infinite Resource that you want to participate in and that is your “Solution”), i.e. if in lack of any sort, affirm the” Principle of Perfect Supply”.
2. Unification ~ I, (the true I Am and God Self within every being) am one with that! Now, you are moving away from empowering the problem to empowering your Highest God Self within and all surrounding, the one and only solution to every issue.
3. Realization ~ Because I recognize I am one with all the great Divine Principles of the Universe, I now declare the glad Truth about my situation________________. Let your realization include all the elements we covered in our previous lessons, i.e. no time, no space, no difficulty, no limit. Let your Realization rise to the level of knowing your Good is available right now. Remember, you are not relying upon yourself or any limited history you may have (as apart from the Divine) ~ yet you are now radically and directly relying upon the Greatest Power that is, God and Universal Mind and Substance within. Realize you can choose to live in the penthouse of your thoughts, or in the basement. Always choose to rise to the highest level, always available to you.
4. Thanksgiving ~ I give thanks! Let your heart overflow with Gratitude to God, Infinite Substance and Supply for all you have and the more to come.
5. Release ~ I release! When you are ready and feel you have reached the maximum depths of awareness in your treatment, then take a deep breath of God and declare your release in faith to the Great Wisdom and Power that is bringing all about in perfection beyond imagining.
Be the Divine Alchemist right where you are, changing all to the radiant perfection that is ~ by constantly aligning with the Highest and Best!
Enjoy the summer months, filled with awareness of the limitless good that is and that can be yours for the acceptance; certain that what you have named and claimed for yourself is indeed taking place How great it is!
*Please feel free to leave your comments, reflections or questions in the “comment section” provided below.
Next month we will look at the difference between thinking in the “Absolute” (First Cause), or thinking from the point of “Relative Cause”(the world of known conditions). We will also look at the Law of Mental Equivalents, and how this law effects your treatments, defining the difference between specificity and outlining.
In All Truth, Love & Light ~ Celebrating the great bounty that surrounds us all ~
*As always, Review and develop your lists of Divine Principles often, most especially with direct reference to your situation. Do you need supply? Affirm, there is a Perfect Divine Principle of Supply. “My perfect resources are present.” Do you need a perfect new home? Affirm, there is a Principle of Perfect Circulation, Timing, at a perfect “right” price, and “The perfect home is ready for me right now!” Do you need physical healing? Affirm, “There is a perfect Principle of all-encompassing Divine Healing energy in the Universe, now restoring me in all my ways!” All Principles reflect a sublime harmony and connectedness of all things, revealing the inherent immeasurable and blissful perfection that is. All else has simply come to pass.
When you are desirous of any type of healing, ask yourself ~ What Principle of Perfect Life do you need to connect with, that supports the manifestation of your good! Get underneath the apparency of the issue itself, healing and releasing at the causal level.
*I highly recommend my empowering book, SONGS OF ETERNITY (PART I ~ THE PRINCIPLE, DECLARATIONS OF THE IMMORTAL SOUL OF GOD! and PART II ~ THE APPLICATION, BRINGING HEAVEN TO EARTH) containing the Manifesting Key and Universal Self-Existent Principle for every situation from Divine Fulfillment to Divine Creation to Prosperity, Healing, Immortality and Romance.
Each short instruction is followed by an empowering “I Am” meditation for incorporating deep within.
I am so pleased to say that SONGS OF ETERNITY ~ Contemplations, Treatments and Meditations on the Word of God is available in Kindle and all e*book formats on These convenient digital formats allow easy instant navigation to any subject you desire to focus and meditate on. And, for those who enjoy to have the actual book always on hand, the soft cover version is available as well on all familiar sites and may be ordered from your local book store.
To Purchase and for free preview:
*Visit and preview all of Dr. Linda’s currently available books at
*Do actually take time to write out at least a few treatments formally, until the Divine Healing process of immediately centering in Truth becomes automatic, no matter what may be taking place. Practice makes perfect! And so, let it be for each and for all ~ Next month, we will delve further into the most important task of learning always to think in terms of the Absolute.
Love & Light Ever Unbounded, Ever Free ~
(If you wish to sign up to receive the monthly articles of this year’s program, please advise Dr. Linda of your interest at
All are welcome, whether new to the Science of Mind or highly trained. The possibilities of healing any matter are blissfully infinite in scope, so each can gain immeasurably whether just beginning or already a highly skilled Practitioner. Thank you for advising your friends of this opportunity for enhanced studies. The program has no subscription fee, but donations are always most welcome. Simply visit any of our Paypal Donation pages at or Click Diamond Below.
For further information on monthly articles and updates, Visit our Archives: (Visit our New Thought International Library to hear radio interviews, where Dr. Linda was the featured guest of the day, speaking on her books). (Visit our New Thought International Library for a complete listing of Dr. Linda’s books and talks).
*For a list of books currently available for interested reviewers: Visit for Descriptions and Free Previews:
*Don’t Forget to Visit your June Highlight Full Length Inspirational Talk & Meditations ~ “FREEDOM AT THE FIFTH LEVEL!”
Enjoy your summer months in wondrous expansion beyond any good of the past!
Dr. Linda was honored to be a Finalist in the annual Edition of 50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading, in recognition of her stunning work ~ BRIDGE OF THE GODS, A Handbook for Ascending Humanity ~ The Golden Pathway to your Highest God-Self!…on the next stage in spiritual evolution for the most beneficent advancement of all humanity!
“A Master-Work in Metaphysics!” ~ Jeanne (
“Just Reading one chapter can raise one’s vibration for an entire day!” ~ Deborah Beauvais, producer / Radio Boston.
“I was captivated from Page One!” ~ Barry Finlay/Award Winning Author/Kilimanjaro & Beyond!